1. By accepting to work with BlueKino you hereby agree to work within these terms and conditions of trade.
2. Quotes are valid for 30 days.
3. Throughout the production process, if the client does not respond to correspondence for 14 days or more BlueKino Pty Ltd reserves the right to invoice the client the full amount of the work completed to date.
4. Any changes made to the voiceover script after it has been approved and voiced will incur the cost of an additional voice to be recorded.
5. Payment is required within 14 days after invoice is received.
6. BlueKino Pty Ltd will not be held responsible for damages incurred by a third party such as voiceover providers, CAD or media delivery companies.
7. Where a deadline has been agreed to, the client must cooperate fully with the requests of the production team in a timely fashion throughout the production process to ensure that deadlines are met. BlueKino Pty Ltd will not be held responsible for delays if a third party is involved in the production process.
8. All concepts, scripts, captured footage and photography, and final productions remain the property of BlueKino Pty Ltd until the client has paid the final invoice. Once the work has been paid for in full, copyright of all work produced is transferred to the client free of any royalties or limitations. BlueKino Pty Ltd retains the right to publish all material produced for the sole purpose of promoting BlueKino’s services.